You can finally ask your patients:
Do you have bladder leakage?
Because now you have a feasible option when you patients answer "Yes!"
Rehabilitation protocols built on positive habits and functional exercises to promote daily practice and long-term results. Individualized and committed support keeps patients on track. Even those with children, jobs, and big lives.
High Adherence
3.5x the completion rate of in-person rehabilitation, and clinically significant SUI reduction

Integrated into your EMR. With progress reports, and follow-up care recommendations to ensure continuity of care for your patients.

Insurance-billable so you can provide equitable care, with affordability not being an issue for patients to take action.

What Providers are saying...
Angela Reidner, CNM
“Effective and empowering.
My clients report less leakage and rave about the quality of the coach's
support on the app."
Rameet Singh, MD
"A first-line intervention in rural or low-resource areas where access to
Physical Threapy is not an option"
Robin Kaplan, IBCLC
"An affordable and doable option that new parents can prioritize during the first months after birth"
Be an Ally
Stress Urinary Incontinence affects 1 in 2 women. Let that sink in. Most will never talk to their Provider about it, and most Providers will not ask, in part due to the lack of affordable, feasible options for individuals with kids, jobs, and big lives.
Become an ally by systematically screening, educating, and promptly referring to treatment. Join our Provider community and get everything you need to enable Pelvic Health services in your practice. Our modern educational materials, validated assessments, and referral tools are staff-friendly and integrated into your EMR in less than 30 minutes.